

What are you searching for?

What are you searching for?

What are you searching for?What are you searching for?What are you searching for?

Who, what, YOU?



Who is Sabrina?

Sabrina Boyd is a mom first and foremost, she is a daughter, sister, realtor, entrepreneur, and forever student of personal development and expansion. Some might even say she’s a self help junky! Always thirsting for more; more skills, more tools for the tool box, more understanding of the intangibles like intuition and “gut feelings”, more in her relationships (intimate and business), more in this life that she claims to self create. And sometimes that is a reluctant acknowledgement...



Hi, I’m Sabrina and I LOVE my life! Well…most of the time:) I have had the same business/life/everything coach for about 15 years and truly believe that everyone should have a “Lynnette.” A support system you can count on week after week, someone that keeps you in balance, someone that holds you accountable for your actions and brings to your awareness what you are focusing on and amplifying in your life. I believe that anyone can live a full life. A life filled with love, joy, abundance, healthy relationships, and family. It’s a choice! 


Having someone to help you navigate your life, a safety net that keeps you in balance, someone that helps you get to the next; the next business opportunity, the next relationship, the next step in life. I can be a procrastinator, a proponent of self sabotage, have low self esteem and be angry at someone else for it.’s the learned awareness of these behaviors that has changed my life.  I am a person of my word and I have kept my commitment to myself to be the best mom, daughter, friend, partner that I can be. Through this commitment I have learned to be a better version of myself and I can now support others on their own self directed journeys.  Helping them stay the course they choose, and sometimes challenge them to see life from a different perspective. I am a connector, I help people find clarity, recognize that they are worthy, feel self confident in their own skin, and figure out what they truly desire. I am a conduit to assist others through their self expansion.


Who are you?


Are you struggling with...

  • heartbreak
  • divorce
  • body image 
  • weight loss
  • loosing your home or homeless
  • worried about what's next?
  • at a cross roads in your job
  • are you single raising a child alone
  • looking to expand
  • curious about your own intuition
  • do you want to learn more about the part you play in the creation of your life

If you are looking for tools to be a better mom, dad, partner, or person, you are constantly battling your self image, you want to be more confident in life and/or at work, you are ready for more, you know deep down inside you are a powerhouse, you feel like you were truly born for greatness and you are ready to be seen. I am holding the space for your limitless growth in all directions of your life! 

Join me in the unfolding of your unbounded expansion…


What can I do to help you?


How are you feeling?  What are you thinking?  What are your pain points?  Do you struggle with where you are in life; your daily routine, the amount of money you make, the relationships you are in, how people perceive you, how you perceive yourself, or how you see your body?  Are you feeling stagnant at work, despondent at your J.O.B., feeling unhappy with your spouse or partner, or hopeless when you look in the mirror?

I have felt all of these feelings and thought all of these thoughts.  In my journey of personal development over the past 16 years I have come to recognize that my thoughts are constantly in motion and effortlessly creating my reality.  I have learned to become aware of my thought patterns, recognize them for what they are (just a thought), and have tools to shift and redirect those thoughts into a better thought or action that propels me in the direction of my desires.

I am holding the space for you to be that powerhouse you are; at work, in you’re relationships, or when you look in the mirror.  I am committed to supporting you in your journey, to have all the abundance you desire, be in the relationship you daydream about, living a life filled with all the love and joy you imagine, or just having a smile on your face when you look at your body and put on your clothes.  

I am excited, actually bursting at the seams to join you in your journey. 

The question is…Do you want a life of limitless growth? Are you willing to take a peak inside and do the work, so you too can have a life of unbounded expansion?



Guided meditations to ease your mind as you drift into the expansion of time, love, abundance, and joy.



A peak into my toolbox...  A collection of some practices, insights, and tools I have used on my personal journey.


Are you ready to love your life? :)

Short Cuts & Extra Stuff



A collection of practices, insights, and tools I have used on my personal journey.



Enjoy a guided meditation to help you in  different aspects of life.

Fave Books


OOOO...if you have time, pick up one of these and indulge yourself.  Relationships to neuroscience, there's something for everyone!

Cool Stuff


Some of my favorite things and where you can get them.  Oils, Crystals, Jewels, and More



What are people saying about Sabrina?



Some of the most frequently asked questions in one place.


Check out this great video



Abraham Hicks Workshop

9am - 1pm

Event Details


Abraham Hicks Workshop

San Diego, CA

9am - 1pm


Abraham Hicks Workshop

9am - 1pm

Event Details


Abraham Hicks Workshop

Los Angeles, CA

9am - 1pm


Abraham Hicks Workshop

9am - 1pm

Event Details


Abraham Hicks Workshop

Long Beach, CA

9am - 1pm


Abraham Hicks Workshop

9am - 1pm

Event Details


Abraham Hicks Workshop

San Francisco, CA

9am - 1pm


Abraham Hicks Workshop

9am - 1pm

Event Details


Abraham Hicks Workshop

San Rafael, Ca

9am - 1pm

More Events


Drop me a line!

Call now and start living your best life!

(760) 494-8847

All the ExtrAS



Abraham Hicks- Focus Wheel

Used to raise your vibration or redirect your momentum.


Ask and It Is Given, Abraham Hicks 

Getting to I Do, Dr Patricia Allen

Loving What Is, Byron Katie

Daring Greatly, Brene Brown

Radical Forgiveness, Colin Tipping

The 40 Day Prosperity Plan, John Randolph Price

You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay

The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle

The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman

Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior, Loenard Mlodinow

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell

Cool Stuff

Essential Oils-

Crystals, Jewelry, and More-

All Natural Deodorant (no baking soda)-

Cool Custom Door Mats-

My Favorite Earrings from a Local Jewelry Designer-



Do I have to sign up for a long term commitment?

You can sign up for as many sessions as you are comfortable.

How long is a paid session?

Sessions are 60 minutes in length.

Is the session face to face?

All sessions are over the phone.

What happens if I cancel my session without 72 hour notice?

If you have to cancel, please notify Sabrina via text with a 72 hour notice so your session can be rescheduled.  If notice is given without 72 hours you will forfeit that session.